According to the RAC, nearly six million UK garages are not used for cars as they’re too full of junk. 

And we get it. The humble garage is not the first port of call on a whistle-stop tour when guests come to visit, but as a usable space, it needs to be addressed, as there’s so much potential to be had by clearing our your garage.

We’re not suggesting that with our tips, you’ll be driving in your car every night; however, we can make life easier when pulling out the Christmas decorations, the camping gear, the bikes, the garden tools or the lawn mower … you get my drift. 

You don’t even need to wait for a dry day to begin, as step number one in my guide to a junk-free garage (or shed) is plan! But hurry, spring cleaning season is upon us and you will need to access this space, with ease, very soon.

Plan your space

Map out zones for your garage. Your most-used items should be closer to the door, for instance. There should be good foot space to maneuver bulky items, and you should ensure items in your garage are categorised. For example, I have sectioned off my camping gear and seasonal decorations from my tools. I’m a handyman at heart and need good access to these. However, I’m a fair-weather camper, so going to a little more effort to access my gear is no problem, as it’s not often I do so.

Ensure loads of floor space available and that most items are lifted off the floor to protect your goods from damage. 

Remove your junk

To best clear out your garage, my rule is that if you haven’t used a recreational item, like a tennis racquet or that mini inflatable pool, for over two years, it’s time it moves on. What we don’t use or need isn’t necessarily junk – you can turn many of these items into cash! 

Be ruthless in your approach. Another strategy for letting go is doing it in stages. If you can’t part from an item, give yourself three months to use it. If you haven’t used it, it’s time to move on once the time is up as living a clutter-free life not only creates space, but can put you in a a happier frame of mind, just by being more organised. 

Bikes are challenging to surrender but easy to sell and earn good cash, so you’re not left empty-handed. Or why don’t you give back to the community? Some places will take your bikes, fix them, donate or sell them, and use the money for a good cause.

Hang a peg board for wall organisation.

These look great, and although you can’t use them for heavier items, they can still bear the weight of hand-held tools and sporting equipment. Pegboards are easy to find and install, making them my number-one choice for wall storage.

Add ultra-strong storage units.

An excellent racking shelf need not cost much. Places like B&Q sell many units that can take up to 875kg . I like shelving units that can then contain at least three storage boxes to utilise the space and keep things looks smart and tidy and are a fantastic way to protect your property and keep items off the floor.

Install bike hooks

Racks that let you store your bike vertically, wheels perpendicular to the wall, ideally positioned in a corner, take up the least space and are my favourite solution!

Overhead storage

The garage ceiling is a great spot for hanging long, flat stuff you don’t use daily, such as ladders and seasonal sports gear. Ensure that any shelves you hang from the ceiling don’t interfere with your garage door’s operation.

Leave a note in the comments section below. Anything that makes my life easier, I’m all ears!